Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Thursday, May 20, 2010 at 3:59pm (posted on facebook)
Today is Thursday, and we slept in!!!! First time Jon and I have slept well since last Friday when we left. We couldn't go to the orphanage until 11:30 today because the kids had appointments for medical checks. Once the driver picked us up and dropped us off, Jon and I went to the side of the building and began to go up the walkway to the front when out of no where came Kristina, running, arms open saying "Mama, Mama, Papa!" big hugs and then took us with her to the room our friends were in with their new son. We spent until 3:00 there, finished last documents for court, and then were brought back to the hotel . . . WITH KRISTINA! She got to spend from that time until 8:30 tonight with us. We all had lunch and dinner in the restaurant, we played her favorite sport in the room . . . volleyball, with a punching balloon. I used to do that with preschool, so thought we would bring them and give it a try. She loved it. I have video of it to post tomorrow if the computer if free long enough to download. She helped put together gift bags for people at the orphanage, and she modeled all her new clothes and made me take photos of it. ;0) She had me braid her hair and just had an amazing day together. She speaks more and more English all the time, and isn't afraid to try or make mistakes. We got our court date of May 28th, next Friday. She will be ours and then we need to pray for the fast papers to get her home. She needs new birth Cert. from birth country. It sounds like we are going to Kirovograd this weekend to buy the new shoes for the orphanage with the kids. Tomorrow we get to pick them up at 11:30 as well. Hope you will enjoy photo's if I ever get them up. I am paniccing every time she uses the camera. Got to go, write again when I can.

All our love,Jon and Linda

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